Sunday, November 13, 2011


Are you comfortable?  Yes you, are you comfortable?  Tell me why, why is this?

I am comfortable but only for short spurts at a time.  I am constantly being plagued with "something new".  There is a freshness that comes upon me and sometimes stirs me out of my slumber.  I've learned to keep something besides my bed to grab and write upon so that i can call on the universe to bless me with the very thing that was placed in my crown jewel of my body; my MIND.  There is a thing that sits inside me and it causes all kind of thoughts to just ride in wave after wave.  It's a activation of my cerebellum, a motivator for my cerebrum.  It loosens my Broca's area and allows my words to flow to the tip of my tongue and out of my mouth or on paper.

There is a LOT to being comfortable.  There is comfort in knowing that these beautiful occurrences happen on the daily.  We must celebrate not being comfortable.  Give our 'crown jewel' ALL THE WORK IT CAN TAKE..  It wants to be used, it desires to be challenged.  It has so much space that is not being occupied and you can change all of that... JUST STOP BEING COMFORTABLE.  You don't necessarily need to leave your city to get 'uncomfortable'.  Try picking up a book that you have wanted to read in forever in a day, activate your occipital lobes.  

Even when you dream you mind is moving, brain creating.  Come OUT of your comfort zone and use this beautiful vehicle you have been given.  Drive it to the brink, ride until the wheels come off, trust me THEY WON'T :l). 
Life is soooo waiting on us to catch up.  Sit and watch the creativity of a child.  Do you know they are using more of their 'crown jewel' than we big people do.

 Get into the groove of life and find the thing that 'CHALLENGES' you to be uncomfortable.  You will find that it is quite rewarding.  You will see life with a new view.  Your senses will become heightened, things will be funnier, you can see the child in you that you stuffed away while dealing with the every day hum drum of life.  Your body and soul will REWARD you.  


namaste' kindred.

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