Wednesday, November 30, 2011


EVERYTHING..  it has everything to do with it.  do you select who you will love?  have you made up pre-requisites about who will be your love mate?  why?  does GOD select who will get what type of air to fill their lungs, is it manufactured and distributed only to the elite?  why of course not my beloveds.  GOD LOVES US ALL..

so why is it that we put limits on GODS' masterpieces?  there is such a variety of personalities, spirits, souls, beings out here in the beautiful world.  why limit yourself to what society or what history has said.  aren't we supposed to be creating our OWN STORY.. let's call it OWNSTORY... i have my ownstory and it is coming together like the perfectly put together puzzle.  see i am FINALLY FREE of me.  free of my control but i really am not controlling anything.  when giving up what i thought i was mastering... i am truly becoming a master in my own rite.  GOD gives and that's ALWAYS worked for me in the past.  it's when i get in the WAY that things go astray.

have you ever listened and heard..NO... RUN.. GET AWAY..FIRE.. but stayed anyway to have what you believe to be the last of your heart torn into shreds.. well you are not alone... SLOW down and learn one another (the inside, the mind), the physique will fade in time.  get to know them. please don't do it out of loneliness you make terrible bed fellows when this is done. 

i have sat here for two years being CLEANSED and HEALED.  i had to stop fighting my creator and realize that my life BELONGS TO HIM.. not me.  i had to get rid of the anger and disappointment in myself and my old .  there are no labels placed it just was what is was and it is what it is.  am i angry now...NOT  A DROP. i am THANKFUL for all the lessons learned, the opportunity to share our families, our story but not i have my... yeah you guessed right..... OWNSTORY... i have my own.  the one that GOD gives me daily to write, and writing is what i shall do. 

i have taken my heart of of the box without fear (well some, i'm not perfect) but it's so AWAKENING.  another soul is trying to truly COMMUNICATE and SHARE with me HEAVEN.  wanting to take up my space, air, time.  the precious air that i spoke to your earlier about.  i am being blessed with another being who out of all the other souls on this planet is smiling with and because of me.  UNAFRAID (well a little bit he's not perfect either). WILLING TO WAIT ON ME AND MY QUEENDOM.. (i say that's right).. I AM SO WORTH IT.  listens to my hearts' beat, wait patiently for ME.. for me because he says he understands and sees' my value.  

believe me love is INTRUSIVE.. it comes without NOTICE and it's a force that can not be RECKONED with, if it's real.  it's fun, zealous,greedy (at times),challenging,euphoric.  am i in love.. uhm no but i am WELL on MY WAY and well he's already there.. been waiting for a couple of years.. (uhm can you say big pimpn :) but seriously when you know you know.  i knew then but wanted a challenge.  wanted to win. somethings you won't win and if GOD'S HAND isn't on it.. well you should of figured this out by now.

GO GET FREE.. free from yourself doubt, don't' be concerned with what mere man will say. they wasn't there with you wiping ALL THE TEARS away. they didn't chase away the single persons' boogie monsters. you had to allow yourself time to heal.  WELL LIVE.. LIVE UNCONDITIONALLY AND WITHOUT APOLOGIES.    i am...
absolutely everything.

namste' kindred... until next time..GOD WILLING

Monday, November 14, 2011


LIFE'S TAPESTRY: CROWN JEWEL: Are you comfortable? Yes you, are you comfortable? Tell me why, why is this? I am comfortable but only for short spurts at a time. I...

Sunday, November 13, 2011


LIFE'S TAPESTRY: CROWN JEWEL: Are you comfortable? Yes you, are you comfortable? Tell me why, why is this? I am comfortable but only for short spurts at a time. I...


Are you comfortable?  Yes you, are you comfortable?  Tell me why, why is this?

I am comfortable but only for short spurts at a time.  I am constantly being plagued with "something new".  There is a freshness that comes upon me and sometimes stirs me out of my slumber.  I've learned to keep something besides my bed to grab and write upon so that i can call on the universe to bless me with the very thing that was placed in my crown jewel of my body; my MIND.  There is a thing that sits inside me and it causes all kind of thoughts to just ride in wave after wave.  It's a activation of my cerebellum, a motivator for my cerebrum.  It loosens my Broca's area and allows my words to flow to the tip of my tongue and out of my mouth or on paper.

There is a LOT to being comfortable.  There is comfort in knowing that these beautiful occurrences happen on the daily.  We must celebrate not being comfortable.  Give our 'crown jewel' ALL THE WORK IT CAN TAKE..  It wants to be used, it desires to be challenged.  It has so much space that is not being occupied and you can change all of that... JUST STOP BEING COMFORTABLE.  You don't necessarily need to leave your city to get 'uncomfortable'.  Try picking up a book that you have wanted to read in forever in a day, activate your occipital lobes.  

Even when you dream you mind is moving, brain creating.  Come OUT of your comfort zone and use this beautiful vehicle you have been given.  Drive it to the brink, ride until the wheels come off, trust me THEY WON'T :l). 
Life is soooo waiting on us to catch up.  Sit and watch the creativity of a child.  Do you know they are using more of their 'crown jewel' than we big people do.

 Get into the groove of life and find the thing that 'CHALLENGES' you to be uncomfortable.  You will find that it is quite rewarding.  You will see life with a new view.  Your senses will become heightened, things will be funnier, you can see the child in you that you stuffed away while dealing with the every day hum drum of life.  Your body and soul will REWARD you.  


namaste' kindred.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


It is better to travel well than to arrive. To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. --- Buddha

I am looking at people in this picture who at first glance look like a horrible bunch of men.  I have to gather myself and see it for what it is worth.  They don't eat well, meaning not just the food.  They eat what they are told, non-thinkers, un free, lost. This is why, I believe, that they are able to do such a thing as walk behind scared naked children (in their on home) with GUNS.  What does this say about the Spirit of the man?  I don't know.  Only they know their (HIS)story. There is a harvest of lost people in the land and they are walking hand and hand... to the BATTLE FIELD of NOWHERE. 

I wonder why so many of us earthlings think we are really human.  We are much more than this we are a bigger being, we are not as minuscule as you think.  How could it be that Vietnam a place that is so beautiful have such an unsettled peace. It is because there are remnants of confusion, anger,dismay,despair, and a many of things.  If we allow our spirit man/woman to remain in emotional jeopardy the future will only be a recycling  of the past.  We are SPIRITS of POWER, PRESENCE,and PURPOSE.  Remember this..... ALWAYS.

A lot of us "humans" are in the mind of the old VIETNAM, we are keeping the scars of things, losing ourselves to our past; when you have a beautiful array of scenery within us.    Why do we test our faith with such trivial things.  This too shall pass and the world moves on.  The world moves on.
Buddha's quote is simplistic yet profound.  What you put in your temple will harvest what penetrates the mind.  Eat well, to live well.  Live well to Eat Well.  You know the saying "you are what you eat"... well need I say more.

The seeds of LIFE are waiting to be planted everyday and you should be a WILLING PARTICIPANT.  Sometimes it is harder than most to SHARE, LOVE, SACRIFICE.... but it is so necessary to keep your spirit FREE and youthful.  We must be willing to give even more than we receive.  Change the environment for the better.
I have all these images up so that you can see that no only do strangers hurt us but our own race does. So with saying that  you have to love ALL as best as you can. AS BEST AS YOU CAN. No one is saying that this thing call "humanity" is easy but it certainly isn't AS HARD AS WE MAKE IT OUT TO BE. Remember that after we've done all that we can there is always someone who will love you for just being you without the JUDGEMENT.. Always there with open ARMS.  Willing to receive you and if you don't have a "human/earthing" to go to you can turn to THE LORD.


  BUT LIFE IS......


namaste' kindred.