Wednesday, October 12, 2011


namaste kindred:

are you wishing on a star to follow where they are? are you wishing upon a dream? well wake up... YOU are wonderful just the way you are at this very moment. you are love therefore love knows where you live. just wait... be still. love NEVER has to be forced, it never has to be wrestled, strangled,nor forced.

love is simply love, gentle and oh so wonderful. now don't get me wrong it is true work but what in life isn't. failing requires work as well so you might as well work for love. i have noticed, (not judging) how many folks have been in and out of relationships since my FORCED date with celibacy :) this date seems to want to stick around for a while and i am finally at peace with him.. TOTALLY. love is more than smiling or getting butterflies when that "special someone" walks in the room. love sits still and lets you make mistakes realizing that it will be there when you're done. love doesn't say i told you so. love just lets you flow.

i want you all to feel the pitter patter of your love muscle and it shall come to be; yes once again you will love, and this time you will know that love loves you back.

do me a huge favor, DON'T FIGHT IT, let it be. don't over analyze, compare, run from, push it away, and especially don't lie to it. be genuine even at the risk that you think it may not want you. if it leaves appreciate that it arrived and just like the wind... it will come back. keep your hearts open, NEVER CLOSE. be a 7-11.

let love breath and don't strangle it because it is very delicate and it just wants to be admired, shared, tickled, but not held at bay.. GENTLE. let your love have their own identity. don't put your insecurities on love, it doesn't deserve that.

this is just a quick note for a heart that is trying to be all things for all people... just be for yourself and the rest will follow

are you strangling love.

1 comment:

  1. Powerful piece. I loved it. Gentle yet flowing with TRUTH. Let your light shine!!
