Wednesday, November 30, 2011


EVERYTHING..  it has everything to do with it.  do you select who you will love?  have you made up pre-requisites about who will be your love mate?  why?  does GOD select who will get what type of air to fill their lungs, is it manufactured and distributed only to the elite?  why of course not my beloveds.  GOD LOVES US ALL..

so why is it that we put limits on GODS' masterpieces?  there is such a variety of personalities, spirits, souls, beings out here in the beautiful world.  why limit yourself to what society or what history has said.  aren't we supposed to be creating our OWN STORY.. let's call it OWNSTORY... i have my ownstory and it is coming together like the perfectly put together puzzle.  see i am FINALLY FREE of me.  free of my control but i really am not controlling anything.  when giving up what i thought i was mastering... i am truly becoming a master in my own rite.  GOD gives and that's ALWAYS worked for me in the past.  it's when i get in the WAY that things go astray.

have you ever listened and heard..NO... RUN.. GET AWAY..FIRE.. but stayed anyway to have what you believe to be the last of your heart torn into shreds.. well you are not alone... SLOW down and learn one another (the inside, the mind), the physique will fade in time.  get to know them. please don't do it out of loneliness you make terrible bed fellows when this is done. 

i have sat here for two years being CLEANSED and HEALED.  i had to stop fighting my creator and realize that my life BELONGS TO HIM.. not me.  i had to get rid of the anger and disappointment in myself and my old .  there are no labels placed it just was what is was and it is what it is.  am i angry now...NOT  A DROP. i am THANKFUL for all the lessons learned, the opportunity to share our families, our story but not i have my... yeah you guessed right..... OWNSTORY... i have my own.  the one that GOD gives me daily to write, and writing is what i shall do. 

i have taken my heart of of the box without fear (well some, i'm not perfect) but it's so AWAKENING.  another soul is trying to truly COMMUNICATE and SHARE with me HEAVEN.  wanting to take up my space, air, time.  the precious air that i spoke to your earlier about.  i am being blessed with another being who out of all the other souls on this planet is smiling with and because of me.  UNAFRAID (well a little bit he's not perfect either). WILLING TO WAIT ON ME AND MY QUEENDOM.. (i say that's right).. I AM SO WORTH IT.  listens to my hearts' beat, wait patiently for ME.. for me because he says he understands and sees' my value.  

believe me love is INTRUSIVE.. it comes without NOTICE and it's a force that can not be RECKONED with, if it's real.  it's fun, zealous,greedy (at times),challenging,euphoric.  am i in love.. uhm no but i am WELL on MY WAY and well he's already there.. been waiting for a couple of years.. (uhm can you say big pimpn :) but seriously when you know you know.  i knew then but wanted a challenge.  wanted to win. somethings you won't win and if GOD'S HAND isn't on it.. well you should of figured this out by now.

GO GET FREE.. free from yourself doubt, don't' be concerned with what mere man will say. they wasn't there with you wiping ALL THE TEARS away. they didn't chase away the single persons' boogie monsters. you had to allow yourself time to heal.  WELL LIVE.. LIVE UNCONDITIONALLY AND WITHOUT APOLOGIES.    i am...
absolutely everything.

namste' kindred... until next time..GOD WILLING

1 comment:

  1. I think love has everything to do with all things as well. Additionally, I also believe that love is misunderstood and what we sometimes think is love isn’t. This is where we find ourselves in trouble. Love is an emotion and like many other emotions can be distorted because anything dealing with passion can be dangerous and misleading. The Pure unadulterated love of the most high is perfected and even in the capacity of having all power to reward and to punish etc there is balance. I think we all have experienced love that was not healthy, I know. Sometimes, it causes a person to do things he or she wouldn’t ordinarily do or accept things they thought they would never accept. This is because we may lack understanding of the emotion that is happening. I know that I have lacked understanding. I was awakening at the end of September 2011. I saw love for what it was to me. My ownstory as you put it in a nutshell; I discovered that without understanding, awareness, balance and without right guidance the application of love can be damaging. I agree that we do put limits on ourselves. We are masterpieces. We are gifted to our parents, we are gifted to the world. The very fact that we have breath of life means that we can keep striving to make our lives count to make the best of ourselves, to try to make the best decisions possible. Inshaallah, we can learn from our mistakes and take lessons from the past. Love is good when it is right and when you love yourself love shines through like the sun.
