Well well well, it's been a long time and yet it's gone by rather quickly.
I'm going to get right to the point. Are you tired? I don't mean physically. I mean emotionally, spiritually, or even mentally? Being an empath I get the priviledge of feeling energies around me, even through pictures, voice, and by hearing people say names of those they are somehow connected with. YEAH ME lol.
With the world WAKING up people are realizing their value a little bit more and challenging themselves to go further in their AWAKENING process. i applaud you for taking those tedious steps towards investing in yourself. It's not easy nor is it supposed to be.
You are doing just as your mother did with you, birthing a new being. That my loves, takes time. So my suggestion is bathe in it, acklowedge it, and go gentle into the forest. I love running with the wolves. It's so safe there.
Now to my sisters who are resisting the transition. Guess what? IT'S GOING TO GET YOU EVENTUALLY. You can not dictate when the birthing will begin. As we know or will know by either having a child or experiencing another sisters story regarding childbirth, that child comes whether you are ready or not. They can come out loud and alert or quiet and peaceful. This is where you are or will be once you settle in to this journey of sisterhood. It is inevitable. The tiredness that you feel is your spirit trying to poke her head out. She's trying to remind you of who you are and who you once were.

I'm going to get right to the point. Are you tired? I don't mean physically. I mean emotionally, spiritually, or even mentally? Being an empath I get the priviledge of feeling energies around me, even through pictures, voice, and by hearing people say names of those they are somehow connected with. YEAH ME lol.
With the world WAKING up people are realizing their value a little bit more and challenging themselves to go further in their AWAKENING process. i applaud you for taking those tedious steps towards investing in yourself. It's not easy nor is it supposed to be.
You are doing just as your mother did with you, birthing a new being. That my loves, takes time. So my suggestion is bathe in it, acklowedge it, and go gentle into the forest. I love running with the wolves. It's so safe there.
Now to my sisters who are resisting the transition. Guess what? IT'S GOING TO GET YOU EVENTUALLY. You can not dictate when the birthing will begin. As we know or will know by either having a child or experiencing another sisters story regarding childbirth, that child comes whether you are ready or not. They can come out loud and alert or quiet and peaceful. This is where you are or will be once you settle in to this journey of sisterhood. It is inevitable. The tiredness that you feel is your spirit trying to poke her head out. She's trying to remind you of who you are and who you once were.