what would you you do if after working all day ,being patient with rude people,guarding your tongue and looking at your checking account (to see a slap on the face after the decimal point) you go to the

the customer finishes with their purchase and out the clear grey sky......ding ding ding, congratulations you sir are OUR

have you ever done it? have you given your blessings away? told G-d no thank you. every time you turn away a blessing you are setting someone else up for what was allocated with you in mind.
don't feel bad for we all have done it, we've all been there second guessing ourselves. when were we taught that thinking about our own well being is toxic. i know there is a balance but you are strong enough to get their. you can get to the place where you give to you and distribute to others after. see if your temple is not healthy how will you teach someone about health. if your temple is not clean how will you teach anyone that they can come off of drugs. we have to FREE our self and the stigma associated with caring for ourselves. if you are sick and a single mother with no family who will care for your children? if you are the bread winner for your home and you let someone have your car because they want to go on a job interview, they don't come back on time who will clock in for you?
get yourself to a healthy place of thinking of you. i... insert name here do promise my self that i will work diligently on taking care of me. go ahead. say it. now take this time to think about some of the things that you have 'GIFTED' away and start to focus on being faithful to yourself. if others view you as the person who will sacrifice more than they are accustomed to receiving eventually their appreciation will go to a sense of entitlement and self gratification. you are a blessing, you are in measurable, and you deserve the same loving care you distribute. so from now on appreciate yourself and celebrate the gift that you are to you. remember you were created perfectly which means you can have the best.
namaste' kindred sisters....